Frequently Asked Questions
Why get involved with the Booster Club?
To support and encourage your gymnast mentally, physically, emotionally, and whenever possible, financially in her gymnastics endeavors.
What does the Booster Club do for Top Notch Training gymnasts?
In simple terms: A LOT! We provide encouragement and expanded opportunities for competitive gymnastic experiences including, but not limited to, promotion of quality amateur gymnastics of all levels of achievement of any sex, race, color, creed, sexual orientation, sexual identity, ethnicity or national origin, without prejudice. Some of our objectives include:
1. Assistance in paying for the costs incurred by competitive gymnastic teams and their members through fundraisers, as directed by the vote of the membership of the corporation;
2. Provide an effective and efficient means of communication among the corporation members, the community, and the competitive gymnastic teams and individual gymnasts;
3. To promote mental, physical, and moral development of participants, members, and gymnasts as outlined in the code of conduct;
How can I get involved with the Booster Club?
There are plenty of ways! You can attend our meetings, volunteer to supervise an event, volunteer your time in any way you can, and so on.
Can I make a donation to the Booster Club?
YES! Contact us at parentbooster@topnotchtrainingcenter.org to find out how. All donations are tax-deductible!
I don't have a lot of time. Can I still help out?
YES! You can help by fundraising or volunteering at our events. We are very flexible and we appreciate any help we can get. We look forward to hearing from you!
I am thinking about getting involved with the Booster Club by being a board member. What is that process like?
TNBC is run by elected officers or Board Members (the Board). Elections are held once each year in the late summer at our Annual Membership Meeting. The nomination process can vary from year to year.
Where can I get Top Notch Training Gear/Sports Gear?
You may buy Top Notch Training gear by visiting the front desk of Top Notch Training Center.
Is there a Membership Fee for the Booster Club?
Yes. The Annual Dues is currently $35.00 per gymnast.
None of my questions were answered. Who can I contact?
Please contact the Booster Club by emailing parentbooster@topnotchtrainingcenter.org